This interview we gave to Inês is the beginning of an idea that has been with us for some time. We want to show you a little more about BYOU and who has been following us throughout this time. Stay CURIOUS!
There has been talk of BYOU for a long time, the brand created by Patrícia Gouveia in 2013 and which was born with the creation of an Instagram page.
“BYOU is an Instagram brand” says Patrícia, adding that she is perfectly aware of her space, her role in this world of clothing. She knows her place and presents herself as the brand's dreamer and creative. We met Patrícia at her showroom in Príncipe Real, one of the most vibrant areas of Lisbon and she quickly made us feel at ease, always with an open smile and available for everything. Who is Patrícia Gouveia as the creator of BYOU and as a person in her daily life? "As the creator of BYOU I discovered a person I didn't know (laughs). I was always organized in professional terms, but I never thought of creating something like BYOU, without a doubt it is the result of great effort and dedication, of to give up many things in favor of the brand. But I discovered in myself leadership and planning skills that I never imagined I had. On a personal level, I have very simple tastes, I love being at home, I like to alienate myself from reality, I spend hours reading the writing, I'm very dreamy and always dreaming up something, my brain is naturally agitated and this turns out to be a fabulous complement in fulfilling the various tasks that it is to have a brand, creativity is always boiling." (We are not going to ask how BYOU was born, because it is already 4 years old and those who follow the Brand already know the story and those who do not know can find it on the website byoubb.com a little bit of its beginning.) What stage is BYOU at now, how do you define the brand's success and what are the goals for the future? "Right now, BYOU is in a transitional phase, personifying, it is as if it were leaving childhood and entering adolescence, with the respective insecurities that This can bring. It is a phase of bets, of investments. The brand grew in terms of social networks, we gained customer loyalty, considerably increased the volume of orders and felt the need to further professionalize our manufacturing process. The secret of success I think is not thinking about it (laughs). Our objective is the constant improvement of the brand, it is to continue to innovate in the design of the pieces, to present the best products at the best prices, remaining faithful to our structure, not entering the massive world of fashion. Reinforce our identity." What are your main inspirations? What moves it? The 3 M's that define BYOU for you? "Woman // After getting to know a little about this world that surrounds BYOU, it was possible for me to create a set of works inspired by the colors and patterns that the collection offers us. The greys, oranges, whites...the colors that allow us to follow a path to a destination that is constantly being explored by Patricia. You can see the works I did for BYOU here: https://www.instagram.com/minsight.pt/
"People, the World, Nature, being alone contemplating the horizon, the ocean that has enormous power over me. seem utopian, vague, but it's reality, there's no secret. Nowadays little or nothing is invented in this thing of dressing, it's reinventing, it's using what already exists and transforming it to our liking. I love old pieces, I love seeing old photographs of my mother, what she wore, what was used, how to transport it to the present day. Reusing, not wasting what is good. People's needs move me, what can I do for them to improve your day to day a little, with clothes, whatever. Environmental policies, concerns about the future, about the planet, about Nature, our role in the midst of all this. I try to have a conscious role, to be true to what I believe in.I don't use anything that derives from animal or human suffering. I move towards fair and sustainable trade and a simple, minimalist way of life."