About Us

BYOU was created by Patrícia Gouveia in 2013, who at the age of 36 decided to change her life. Stimulated by a personal taste and a natural talent for drawing and creating, she remembers the times when she sewed with her mother and grandmother. she created her own business and perfected her skills with the seamstresses who today help her shape her creations. She identifies her style as cool, but sophisticated, as they reflect her way of being in life, relaxed but elegant, translating this into versatile pieces of clothing that adapt to all occasions. His inspiration comes from the world, but it is in his country, Portugal, that he builds his business daily, where he moves 2 different types of products, the first is his own manufacture, where acquires materials and manufactures its parts manually and in limited quantities, on average 10 to 30 units per model. The second is a selection of articles carefully chosen to fit your purpose and comes from a desire to expand the product offering and provide new experiences to your consumers. More than a clothing brand, BYOU stands out for its inspiring voice not only on issues of sustainability and preservation of the planet, but also on empowering the individuality of each person. us. Conceptually, it sees clothing items [commonly associated with the exterior] as an extension of the interior. Because what we wear is always in line with who we are and feel. Its main objective is to inspire positive changes through its collections, offering products that respect people and the environment. Pieces that cause pride when used and that are part of this path of change in the textile industry, made in a more humane, ethical and ecological way.